Accord & Alliance

Empowering Workers and Creating Safe Working Environment

John Donne rightly wrote, "No man is an island", ascertaining that success cannot be attained alone; it requires a collaborative approach for all stakeholders to enjoy the fruits of their labour.

Sustainable Development

The Armana Group believes in sustainable development and growth and we actively contributes to the societies we operate in striving to make our environment worker-friendly.

Empowering Workers

We passionately support and promote the “Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety” and the “Accord on Fire and Building Safety”. Although they are legally binding standards that the garment factories across Bangladesh have to follow, Armana Group view them as an opportunity to empower its workers by educating them and creating safe working conditions.

Adhering to the Highest Standards

Armana Group is regularly audited, remediated, and certified to comply with the two standards. We are proud to state that our factories and design house are fully compliant with the highest standards of structural, electrical, and fire safety.